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- 发布时间:2021-10-18 13:48
- 卷面总分:48分
- 答题时间:240分钟
- 试卷题量:48题
- 练习次数:116次
- 试卷分类:中学教师招聘
- 试卷类型:模拟考题
It′s one of our common beliefs that miceare afraid of cats. Scientists have long known that even if a mouse has neverseen a cat before, it is still able to detect chemical signals released from itand run away in fear. This has always been thought to be something that is hard-wiredinto a mouse′ s brain.
But now Wendy Ingram, a graduate student atthe University of California, Berkeley, has challenged this common sense. Shehas found a way to "cure" mice of their inborn fear of cats by infectingthem with a parasite, reported the science journal Nature.
The parasite, called Toxoplasma gondii,might sound unfamiliar to you, but the shocking fact is that up to one-third ofpeople around the world are infected by it. This parasite can cause different diseasesamong humans, especially pregnant women--it is linked to blindness and thedeath of unborn babies.
However, the parasite′s effects on mice areunique, Ingram and her team measured how mice reacted to a cat′ s urine (尿) before and after it was infected by the parasite. They noted thatnormal mice stayed far away from the urine while mice that were infected withthe parasite walked freely around the test area.
But that′s not all. The parasite was foundto be more powerful than originally thought--even after researchers cured themice of the infection. They no longer reacted with fear to a cat′s smell, whichcould indicate that the infection has caused a permanent change in mice′ sbrains.
Why does a parasite change a mouse′s braininstead of making it sick like it does to humans? The answer lies in evolution.
"It′s exciting scary to know how aparasite can manipulate a mouse′s brain this way," Ingram said. But shealso finds it inspiring. "Typically if you have a bacterial infection, you go to a doctor andtake antibiotics and the infection is cleared and you expect all the symptomsto also go away." She said, but this study has proven that wrong. "This may have huge implicationsfo
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It′s one of our common beliefs that miceare afraid of cats. Scientists have long known that even if a mouse has neverseen a cat before, it is still able to detect chemical signals released from itand run away in fear. This has always been thought to be something that is hard-wiredinto a mouse′ s brain.
But now Wendy Ingram, a graduate student atthe University of California, Berkeley, has challenged this common sense. Shehas found a way to "cure" mice of their inborn fear of cats by infectingthem with a parasite, reported the science journal Nature.
The parasite, called Toxoplasma gondii,might sound unfamiliar to you, but the shocking fact is that up to one-third ofpeople around the world are infected by it. This parasite can cause different diseasesamong humans, especially pregnant women--it is linked to blindness and thedeath of unborn babies.
However, the parasite′s effects on mice areunique, Ingram and her team measured how mice reacted to a cat′ s urine (尿) before and after it was infected by the parasite. They noted thatnormal mice stayed far away from the urine while mice that were infected withthe parasite walked freely around the test area.
But that′s not all. The parasite was foundto be more powerful than originally thought--even after researchers cured themice of the infection. They no longer reacted with fear to a cat′s smell, whichcould indicate that the infection has caused a permanent change in mice′ sbrains.
Why does a parasite change a mouse′s braininstead of making it sick like it does to humans? The answer lies in evolution.
"It′s exciting scary to know how aparasite can manipulate a mouse′s brain this way," Ingram said. But shealso finds it inspiring. "Typically if you have a bacterial infection, you go to a doctor andtake antibiotics and the infection is cleared and you expect all the symptomsto also go away." She said, but this study has proven that wrong. "This may have huge implicationsfo
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It′s one of our common beliefs that miceare afraid of cats. Scientists have long known that even if a mouse has neverseen a cat before, it is still able to detect chemical signals released from itand run away in fear. This has always been thought to be something that is hard-wiredinto a mouse′ s brain.
But now Wendy Ingram, a graduate student atthe University of California, Berkeley, has challenged this common sense. Shehas found a way to "cure" mice of their inborn fear of cats by infectingthem with a parasite, reported the science journal Nature.
The parasite, called Toxoplasma gondii,might sound unfamiliar to you, but the shocking fact is that up to one-third ofpeople around the world are infected by it. This parasite can cause different diseasesamong humans, especially pregnant women--it is linked to blindness and thedeath of unborn babies.
However, the parasite′s effects on mice areunique, Ingram and her team measured how mice reacted to a cat′ s urine (尿) before and after it was infected by the parasite. They noted thatnormal mice stayed far away from the urine while mice that were infected withthe parasite walked freely around the test area.
But that′s not all. The parasite was foundto be more powerful than originally thought--even after researchers cured themice of the infection. They no longer reacted with fear to a cat′s smell, whichcould indicate that the infection has caused a permanent change in mice′ sbrains.
Why does a parasite change a mouse′s braininstead of making it sick like it does to humans? The answer lies in evolution.
"It′s exciting scary to know how aparasite can manipulate a mouse′s brain this way," Ingram said. But shealso finds it inspiring. "Typically if you have a bacterial infection, you go to a doctor andtake antibiotics and the infection is cleared and you expect all the symptomsto also go away." She said, but this study has proven that wrong. "This may have huge implicationsfo
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细节题。根据文章第四段“They notedthat normal mice stayed far away from the urine while mice that were infectedwith the parasite walked freely around the test area.”可知。受到寄生虫感染的老鼠能够自由随意地在测试区域周围走动,故选B。
It′s one of our common beliefs that miceare afraid of cats. Scientists have long known that even if a mouse has neverseen a cat before, it is still able to detect chemical signals released from itand run away in fear. This has always been thought to be something that is hard-wiredinto a mouse′ s brain.
But now Wendy Ingram, a graduate student atthe University of California, Berkeley, has challenged this common sense. Shehas found a way to "cure" mice of their inborn fear of cats by infectingthem with a parasite, reported the science journal Nature.
The parasite, called Toxoplasma gondii,might sound unfamiliar to you, but the shocking fact is that up to one-third ofpeople around the world are infected by it. This parasite can cause different diseasesamong humans, especially pregnant women--it is linked to blindness and thedeath of unborn babies.
However, the parasite′s effects on mice areunique, Ingram and her team measured how mice reacted to a cat′ s urine (尿) before and after it was infected by the parasite. They noted thatnormal mice stayed far away from the urine while mice that were infected withthe parasite walked freely around the test area.
But that′s not all. The parasite was foundto be more powerful than originally thought--even after researchers cured themice of the infection. They no longer reacted with fear to a cat′s smell, whichcould indicate that the infection has caused a permanent change in mice′ sbrains.
Why does a parasite change a mouse′s braininstead of making it sick like it does to humans? The answer lies in evolution.
"It′s exciting scary to know how aparasite can manipulate a mouse′s brain this way," Ingram said. But shealso finds it inspiring. "Typically if you have a bacterial infection, you go to a doctor andtake antibiotics and the infection is cleared and you expect all the symptomsto also go away." She said, but this study has proven that wrong. "This may have huge implicationsfo
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词汇题。文章第一段指出老鼠即使没有见过猫也是会害怕的,可推断出这是天生就刻在老鼠脑子里的一种行为。deeply rooted“深深根植于”符合文章想要表达的意思,故选A。
It′s one of our common beliefs that miceare afraid of cats. Scientists have long known that even if a mouse has neverseen a cat before, it is still able to detect chemical signals released from itand run away in fear. This has always been thought to be something that is hard-wiredinto a mouse′ s brain.
But now Wendy Ingram, a graduate student atthe University of California, Berkeley, has challenged this common sense. Shehas found a way to "cure" mice of their inborn fear of cats by infectingthem with a parasite, reported the science journal Nature.
The parasite, called Toxoplasma gondii,might sound unfamiliar to you, but the shocking fact is that up to one-third ofpeople around the world are infected by it. This parasite can cause different diseasesamong humans, especially pregnant women--it is linked to blindness and thedeath of unborn babies.
However, the parasite′s effects on mice areunique, Ingram and her team measured how mice reacted to a cat′ s urine (尿) before and after it was infected by the parasite. They noted thatnormal mice stayed far away from the urine while mice that were infected withthe parasite walked freely around the test area.
But that′s not all. The parasite was foundto be more powerful than originally thought--even after researchers cured themice of the infection. They no longer reacted with fear to a cat′s smell, whichcould indicate that the infection has caused a permanent change in mice′ sbrains.
Why does a parasite change a mouse′s braininstead of making it sick like it does to humans? The answer lies in evolution.
"It′s exciting scary to know how aparasite can manipulate a mouse′s brain this way," Ingram said. But shealso finds it inspiring. "Typically if you have a bacterial infection, you go to a doctor andtake antibiotics and the infection is cleared and you expect all the symptomsto also go away." She said, but this study has proven that wrong. "This may have huge implicationsfo
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主旨题。根据文章第二段“She hasfound away to‘cure’ mice oftheir inborn fear of cats by infecting them with a parasite.reported the science journal Nature.”可知.Berkeley发现了一种通过让老鼠感染寄生虫来改变它们天生害怕猫的方法。文章下面的内容也都是围绕着这个新发现来阐述的,故选C。
Gestures aren′ t the only area in whichthe unwary traveler can get tripped up. Foreign cultures adhere to differentbusiness customs and behavior. For example: Caffeine junkies should re strain themselvesin the Middle East. "Three cups of tea or coffee is usually the politelimit in offices and during social calls," counsels "TravelPak", a free publication of Alia, the Royal Jordanian Airline. "Butif your host keeps going, you also may continue sipping. If you′ve had yourfill, give your empty cup a quick twist a sort of wiggle--as you hand it back.That means "No more, thank you."
Middle East visitors also should not besurprised "if others barge right into the office in the middle of yourconversation with the person you are seeing," notes "TravelPak". An old Arab custom calls for keeping an "open office." TheBritish, however, consider it impolite to interrupt a visitor, even after allbusiness has been transacted. The commercial caller is expected to be sensitiveto this point, know when to stop, and initiate his or her own departure. InJapan certain guests at evening business gatherings will leave early. Theyshould be allowed to leave without effusive good-byes. The Japanese considerformal departures to be disruptive in such cases and disturbing to remainingguests. In Scandinavia and Finland business guests may be asked to shed theirclothes and join their hosts in a sauna (桑拿).
The invitation is a sign that a goodworking relationship has been established. In the Arab world, the word"no" must be mentioned three times before it is accepted. Incontrast, it is considered good business manners to make many and long effortsto pick up the check. In the People′ s Republic of China, gift giving isconsidered an insult, says Patrick J. Lewis, President of Club Universe, a LosAngeles tour operator. "If youwant to give someone a gift, make sure it′s modest in value. This will not beconsidered offensive, but it may be declined," The Chinese manner ofex
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细节题。由短文第二段开头“MiddleEast visitors also should not be surprised…for keepingan‘iddle Efice’”可知选项A正确;由最后一段中“You may be greeted with clapping when entering a factory. hospital,commune,orschool”可知选项C正确;由最后一段中“In theArab world.the word‘n t must bementioned three times before it is accepted.”可知选项D正确。选项B与原文中第二段中的表述“The commercial caller isexpected to be sensitive to this point,know when tostop,and initiate his or her own departure”不相符,故选B。
Gestures aren′ t the only area in whichthe unwary traveler can get tripped up. Foreign cultures adhere to differentbusiness customs and behavior. For example: Caffeine junkies should re strain themselvesin the Middle East. "Three cups of tea or coffee is usually the politelimit in offices and during social calls," counsels "TravelPak", a free publication of Alia, the Royal Jordanian Airline. "Butif your host keeps going, you also may continue sipping. If you′ve had yourfill, give your empty cup a quick twist a sort of wiggle--as you hand it back.That means "No more, thank you."
Middle East visitors also should not besurprised "if others barge right into the office in the middle of yourconversation with the person you are seeing," notes "TravelPak". An old Arab custom calls for keeping an "open office." TheBritish, however, consider it impolite to interrupt a visitor, even after allbusiness has been transacted. The commercial caller is expected to be sensitiveto this point, know when to stop, and initiate his or her own departure. InJapan certain guests at evening business gatherings will leave early. Theyshould be allowed to leave without effusive good-byes. The Japanese considerformal departures to be disruptive in such cases and disturbing to remainingguests. In Scandinavia and Finland business guests may be asked to shed theirclothes and join their hosts in a sauna (桑拿).
The invitation is a sign that a goodworking relationship has been established. In the Arab world, the word"no" must be mentioned three times before it is accepted. Incontrast, it is considered good business manners to make many and long effortsto pick up the check. In the People′ s Republic of China, gift giving isconsidered an insult, says Patrick J. Lewis, President of Club Universe, a LosAngeles tour operator. "If youwant to give someone a gift, make sure it′s modest in value. This will not beconsidered offensive, but it may be declined," The Chinese manner ofex
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细节题。短文第三段指出“In thePeople’s Republic of China,girlgiving is considered an insult”即在中国,送礼会被认为是一种侮辱。故选项D正确。
Gestures aren′ t the only area in whichthe unwary traveler can get tripped up. Foreign cultures adhere to differentbusiness customs and behavior. For example: Caffeine junkies should re strain themselvesin the Middle East. "Three cups of tea or coffee is usually the politelimit in offices and during social calls," counsels "TravelPak", a free publication of Alia, the Royal Jordanian Airline. "Butif your host keeps going, you also may continue sipping. If you′ve had yourfill, give your empty cup a quick twist a sort of wiggle--as you hand it back.That means "No more, thank you."
Middle East visitors also should not besurprised "if others barge right into the office in the middle of yourconversation with the person you are seeing," notes "TravelPak". An old Arab custom calls for keeping an "open office." TheBritish, however, consider it impolite to interrupt a visitor, even after allbusiness has been transacted. The commercial caller is expected to be sensitiveto this point, know when to stop, and initiate his or her own departure. InJapan certain guests at evening business gatherings will leave early. Theyshould be allowed to leave without effusive good-byes. The Japanese considerformal departures to be disruptive in such cases and disturbing to remainingguests. In Scandinavia and Finland business guests may be asked to shed theirclothes and join their hosts in a sauna (桑拿).
The invitation is a sign that a goodworking relationship has been established. In the Arab world, the word"no" must be mentioned three times before it is accepted. Incontrast, it is considered good business manners to make many and long effortsto pick up the check. In the People′ s Republic of China, gift giving isconsidered an insult, says Patrick J. Lewis, President of Club Universe, a LosAngeles tour operator. "If youwant to give someone a gift, make sure it′s modest in value. This will not beconsidered offensive, but it may be declined," The Chinese manner ofex
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细节题。短文第二段最后指出“InScandinavia and Finland business guests may be asked to shed their clothes and jointheir hosts in a sauna.”即在斯堪的纳维亚和芬兰,商务客人会被要求脱掉衣服与主人一起洗桑拿。故选项C正确。
Gestures aren′ t the only area in whichthe unwary traveler can get tripped up. Foreign cultures adhere to differentbusiness customs and behavior. For example: Caffeine junkies should re strain themselvesin the Middle East. "Three cups of tea or coffee is usually the politelimit in offices and during social calls," counsels "TravelPak", a free publication of Alia, the Royal Jordanian Airline. "Butif your host keeps going, you also may continue sipping. If you′ve had yourfill, give your empty cup a quick twist a sort of wiggle--as you hand it back.That means "No more, thank you."
Middle East visitors also should not besurprised "if others barge right into the office in the middle of yourconversation with the person you are seeing," notes "TravelPak". An old Arab custom calls for keeping an "open office." TheBritish, however, consider it impolite to interrupt a visitor, even after allbusiness has been transacted. The commercial caller is expected to be sensitiveto this point, know when to stop, and initiate his or her own departure. InJapan certain guests at evening business gatherings will leave early. Theyshould be allowed to leave without effusive good-byes. The Japanese considerformal departures to be disruptive in such cases and disturbing to remainingguests. In Scandinavia and Finland business guests may be asked to shed theirclothes and join their hosts in a sauna (桑拿).
The invitation is a sign that a goodworking relationship has been established. In the Arab world, the word"no" must be mentioned three times before it is accepted. Incontrast, it is considered good business manners to make many and long effortsto pick up the check. In the People′ s Republic of China, gift giving isconsidered an insult, says Patrick J. Lewis, President of Club Universe, a LosAngeles tour operator. "If youwant to give someone a gift, make sure it′s modest in value. This will not beconsidered offensive, but it may be declined," The Chinese manner ofex
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细节题。由短文第二段“In Japancertain guests at evening business gatherings will leave early.They should be allowed to leave without effusive goodbyes.”可知,在日本,一些客人会在晚问的聚会上提前离开,并且不用说再见。故选项A正确。
Gestures aren′ t the only area in whichthe unwary traveler can get tripped up. Foreign cultures adhere to differentbusiness customs and behavior. For example: Caffeine junkies should re strain themselvesin the Middle East. "Three cups of tea or coffee is usually the politelimit in offices and during social calls," counsels "TravelPak", a free publication of Alia, the Royal Jordanian Airline. "Butif your host keeps going, you also may continue sipping. If you′ve had yourfill, give your empty cup a quick twist a sort of wiggle--as you hand it back.That means "No more, thank you."
Middle East visitors also should not besurprised "if others barge right into the office in the middle of yourconversation with the person you are seeing," notes "TravelPak". An old Arab custom calls for keeping an "open office." TheBritish, however, consider it impolite to interrupt a visitor, even after allbusiness has been transacted. The commercial caller is expected to be sensitiveto this point, know when to stop, and initiate his or her own departure. InJapan certain guests at evening business gatherings will leave early. Theyshould be allowed to leave without effusive good-byes. The Japanese considerformal departures to be disruptive in such cases and disturbing to remainingguests. In Scandinavia and Finland business guests may be asked to shed theirclothes and join their hosts in a sauna (桑拿).
The invitation is a sign that a goodworking relationship has been established. In the Arab world, the word"no" must be mentioned three times before it is accepted. Incontrast, it is considered good business manners to make many and long effortsto pick up the check. In the People′ s Republic of China, gift giving isconsidered an insult, says Patrick J. Lewis, President of Club Universe, a LosAngeles tour operator. "If youwant to give someone a gift, make sure it′s modest in value. This will not beconsidered offensive, but it may be declined," The Chinese manner ofex
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推断题。短文第一段指出:《巴基斯坦之行》中有一条建议是“Three cups of tea or coffee is usually the polite limit in officesand during social calls.”即三杯茶或咖啡是在办公室或社交拜访活动时的有礼貌的限度。故选项B正确。
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