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- 发布时间:2022-05-13 08:41
- 卷面总分:75分
- 答题时间:240分钟
- 试卷题量:75题
- 练习次数:184次
- 试卷分类:中级软件设计师
- 试卷类型:历年真题
DerOps is a continuous simplification process of maintaining a delicate balance among functionality, usability and security of a software both in terms of its development and oprations. Software engineering is the application of diverse engineering approaches towards the development of software.The roles and responsibilities of DevOps and software development overlap in many arcas.so it is easier to get confused between the two.Let's look at this comparison in term of work roles.One is that of a software engineer and the other is a DevOps engineer. The biggest different is in their ( ). Software engineers focus on how well the computer software fits the needs of the client while a DevOps engineer has a broader focus that includes software development, how the software is deployed and providing ( ) support through the cloudwhile the software is continually ( ) .A software engineer creates computer programs for people to use based upon their security and functionality needs. A DevOps engineer also works on computer applications, but manages the building, deployment and operation as a( ) autormated process. Software engineers often work separately from the operations side of a business. They create the software a business client needs and then monitor the performance of their software products to determine if upgrades are necessary or if more serious improvements are needed. DevOps engineers work with the operational side of a business and manage the workflow to (作答此空) software tosmoothly function with automated processes. Both professions require knowledge of computer programming languages.
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DerOps is a continuous simplification process of maintaining a delicate balance among functionality, usability and security of a software both in terms of its development and oprations. Software engineering is the application of diverse engineering approaches towards the development of software.The roles and responsibilities of DevOps and software development overlap in many arcas.so it is easier to get confused between the two.Let's look at this comparison in term of work roles.One is that of a software engineer and the other is a DevOps engineer. The biggest different is in their ( ). Software engineers focus on how well the computer software fits the needs of the client while a DevOps engineer has a broader focus that includes software development, how the software is deployed and providing ( ) support through the cloudwhile the software is continually ( ) .A software engineer creates computer programs for people to use based upon their security and functionality needs. A DevOps engineer also works on computer applications, but manages the building, deployment and operation as a(作答此空) autormated process. Software engineers often work separately from the operations side of a business. They create the software a business client needs and then monitor the performance of their software products to determine if upgrades are necessary or if more serious improvements are needed. DevOps engineers work with the operational side of a business and manage the workflow to ( ) software tosmoothly function with automated processes. Both professions require knowledge of computer programming languages.
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DerOps is a continuous simplification process of maintaining a delicate balance among functionality, usability and security of a software both in terms of its development and oprations. Software engineering is the application of diverse engineering approaches towards the development of software.The roles and responsibilities of DevOps and software development overlap in many arcas.so it is easier to get confused between the two.Let's look at this comparison in term of work roles.One is that of a software engineer and the other is a DevOps engineer. The biggest different is in their ( ). Software engineers focus on how well the computer software fits the needs of the client while a DevOps engineer has a broader focus that includes software development, how the software is deployed and providing ( ) support through the cloudwhile the software is continually (作答此空) .A software engineer creates computer programs for people to use based upon their security and functionality needs. A DevOps engineer also works on computer applications, but manages the building, deployment and operation as a( ) autormated process. Software engineers often work separately from the operations side of a business. They create the software a business client needs and then monitor the performance of their software products to determine if upgrades are necessary or if more serious improvements are needed. DevOps engineers work with the operational side of a business and manage the workflow to ( ) software tosmoothly function with automated processes. Both professions require knowledge of computer programming languages.
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DerOps is a continuous simplification process of maintaining a delicate balance among functionality, usability and security of a software both in terms of its development and oprations. Software engineering is the application of diverse engineering approaches towards the development of software.The roles and responsibilities of DevOps and software development overlap in many arcas.so it is easier to get confused between the two.Let's look at this comparison in term of work roles.One is that of a software engineer and the other is a DevOps engineer. The biggest different is in their ( ). Software engineers focus on how well the computer software fits the needs of the client while a DevOps engineer has a broader focus that includes software development, how the software is deployed and providing (作答此空) support through the cloudwhile the software is continually ( ) .A software engineer creates computer programs for people to use based upon their security and functionality needs. A DevOps engineer also works on computer applications, but manages the building, deployment and operation as a( ) autormated process. Software engineers often work separately from the operations side of a business. They create the software a business client needs and then monitor the performance of their software products to determine if upgrades are necessary or if more serious improvements are needed. DevOps engineers work with the operational side of a business and manage the workflow to ( ) software tosmoothly function with automated processes. Both professions require knowledge of computer programming languages.
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DerOps is a continuous simplification process of maintaining a delicate balance among functionality, usability and security of a software both in terms of its development and oprations. Software engineering is the application of diverse engineering approaches towards the development of software.The roles and responsibilities of DevOps and software development overlap in many arcas.so it is easier to get confused between the two.Let's look at this comparison in term of work roles.One is that of a software engineer and the other is a DevOps engineer. The biggest different is in their (作答此空). Software engineers focus on how well the computer software fits the needs of the client while a DevOps engineer has a broader focus that includes software development, how the software is deployed and providing ( ) support through the cloudwhile the software is continually ( ) .A software engineer creates computer programs for people to use based upon their security and functionality needs. A DevOps engineer also works on computer applications, but manages the building, deployment and operation as a( ) autormated process. Software engineers often work separately from the operations side of a business. They create the software a business client needs and then monitor the performance of their software products to determine if upgrades are necessary or if more serious improvements are needed. DevOps engineers work with the operational side of a business and manage the workflow to ( ) software tosmoothly function with automated processes. Both professions require knowledge of computer programming languages.
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下面的标记对中人 ( )用于表示网页代码的起始和终止。
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image.pnghead>image.png/head>表示文档的头部标签。如文档的标题,以及、脚本、样式、meta 信息以及其他更多的信息。image.pngbody>image.png/body>表示文档的内容,比如文本、超链接、图像、表格和列表等等。image.pngmeta> image.png/meta>表示HTML 文档的元数据,主要包括网页的描述,关键词,文件的最后修改时间,作者及其他元数据。image.pnghtml>image.png/html>用于表示网页代码的起始和终止。
ARP 报文分为ARP Request和ARP Response,其中ARP Request采用( )进行传送,ARP Response采用(作答此空) 进行传送。
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ARP request报文用来获取目的主机的MAC地址,ARP request报文采用广播的方式在网络上传送,该网络中所有主机包括网关都会接受到此ARP request 报文。接收到报文的目的主机会返回一个ARP Response报文来响应,ARP Response报文是以单播的方式传送的。
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