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- 发布时间:2021-12-23 14:06
- 卷面总分:250分
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- 试卷题量:250题
- 练习次数:137次
- 试卷分类:银行招聘职业能力测验
- 试卷类型:模拟考题
Ruth Walter
2921 Cypress Lane
Smith field,UT 00375
Dear Ms.Walter,
It has come to our attention that you have failed to remit payment for service provided during the two billing periods of 7/15—8/14 and 9/15—10/14 last year.
Our records indicate that multiple bills for these periods have been sent to your address with out reply.At this point.we are regrettably required to take stronger measures.If by April 15 we have not received payment in full,including all late fees charged,we will be forced to terminate service to your residence.
For further information about this action,or to verify the amount of your outstanding balance,please call our Customer Service Center at l—888—555—3802。or write to the following address:
Accounts Payable Division
Northern Utah Gas&Power
55755 State Highway 1 6
Logan,UT 00378
February 27th
Accounts Payable Division
Northern Utah Gas&Power
55755 State Highway l 6
Logan,UT 00378
Service representative,
I recently received a notification of outstanding charges on my account.I am very confused and distressed by the situation outlined in your letter.
First of all,I am certain that I paid for all services during the two billing period in question.The payments were on time and for the correct amount.I used your company’S automated telephone billing system and paid with my credit card.I am including transaction receipts from my credit card company that list these payments and the dates on which they were processed by your company.
After I had paid then,I did receive multiple bills for the periods 7/15—8/14 and 9/15—10/14 as stated in your letter.I tried repeatedly to report this error to your company via the customer service email system,but I never received a response.I am also attaching copies of these emails for your review.
These documents clearly show that I have made all payments in a timely fashion,and I hope they will help you resolve this situation.If you have any more questions for me,please contact me by phone(555-7690)or email(rwalt79@mzmail.com).
Ruth Walter
According to her letter,what action did Ms.Walter take?
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Ruth Walter
2921 Cypress Lane
Smith field,UT 00375
Dear Ms.Walter,
It has come to our attention that you have failed to remit payment for service provided during the two billing periods of 7/15—8/14 and 9/15—10/14 last year.
Our records indicate that multiple bills for these periods have been sent to your address with out reply.At this point.we are regrettably required to take stronger measures.If by April 15 we have not received payment in full,including all late fees charged,we will be forced to terminate service to your residence.
For further information about this action,or to verify the amount of your outstanding balance,please call our Customer Service Center at l—888—555—3802。or write to the following address:
Accounts Payable Division
Northern Utah Gas&Power
55755 State Highway 1 6
Logan,UT 00378
February 27th
Accounts Payable Division
Northern Utah Gas&Power
55755 State Highway l 6
Logan,UT 00378
Service representative,
I recently received a notification of outstanding charges on my account.I am very confused and distressed by the situation outlined in your letter.
First of all,I am certain that I paid for all services during the two billing period in question.The payments were on time and for the correct amount.I used your company’S automated telephone billing system and paid with my credit card.I am including transaction receipts from my credit card company that list these payments and the dates on which they were processed by your company.
After I had paid then,I did receive multiple bills for the periods 7/15—8/14 and 9/15—10/14 as stated in your letter.I tried repeatedly to report this error to your company via the customer service email system,but I never received a response.I am also attaching copies of these emails for your review.
These documents clearly show that I have made all payments in a timely fashion,and I hope they will help you resolve this situation.If you have any more questions for me,please contact me by phone(555-7690)or email(rwalt79@mzmail.com).
Ruth Walter
What will accompany Ms.Walter’s letter?
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Ruth Walter
2921 Cypress Lane
Smith field,UT 00375
Dear Ms.Walter,
It has come to our attention that you have failed to remit payment for service provided during the two billing periods of 7/15—8/14 and 9/15—10/14 last year.
Our records indicate that multiple bills for these periods have been sent to your address with out reply.At this point.we are regrettably required to take stronger measures.If by April 15 we have not received payment in full,including all late fees charged,we will be forced to terminate service to your residence.
For further information about this action,or to verify the amount of your outstanding balance,please call our Customer Service Center at l—888—555—3802。or write to the following address:
Accounts Payable Division
Northern Utah Gas&Power
55755 State Highway 1 6
Logan,UT 00378
February 27th
Accounts Payable Division
Northern Utah Gas&Power
55755 State Highway l 6
Logan,UT 00378
Service representative,
I recently received a notification of outstanding charges on my account.I am very confused and distressed by the situation outlined in your letter.
First of all,I am certain that I paid for all services during the two billing period in question.The payments were on time and for the correct amount.I used your company’S automated telephone billing system and paid with my credit card.I am including transaction receipts from my credit card company that list these payments and the dates on which they were processed by your company.
After I had paid then,I did receive multiple bills for the periods 7/15—8/14 and 9/15—10/14 as stated in your letter.I tried repeatedly to report this error to your company via the customer service email system,but I never received a response.I am also attaching copies of these emails for your review.
These documents clearly show that I have made all payments in a timely fashion,and I hope they will help you resolve this situation.If you have any more questions for me,please contact me by phone(555-7690)or email(rwalt79@mzmail.com).
Ruth Walter
What is the purpose of Ms.Walter’s letter?
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Ruth Walter
2921 Cypress Lane
Smith field,UT 00375
Dear Ms.Walter,
It has come to our attention that you have failed to remit payment for service provided during the two billing periods of 7/15—8/14 and 9/15—10/14 last year.
Our records indicate that multiple bills for these periods have been sent to your address with out reply.At this point.we are regrettably required to take stronger measures.If by April 15 we have not received payment in full,including all late fees charged,we will be forced to terminate service to your residence.
For further information about this action,or to verify the amount of your outstanding balance,please call our Customer Service Center at l—888—555—3802。or write to the following address:
Accounts Payable Division
Northern Utah Gas&Power
55755 State Highway 1 6
Logan,UT 00378
February 27th
Accounts Payable Division
Northern Utah Gas&Power
55755 State Highway l 6
Logan,UT 00378
Service representative,
I recently received a notification of outstanding charges on my account.I am very confused and distressed by the situation outlined in your letter.
First of all,I am certain that I paid for all services during the two billing period in question.The payments were on time and for the correct amount.I used your company’S automated telephone billing system and paid with my credit card.I am including transaction receipts from my credit card company that list these payments and the dates on which they were processed by your company.
After I had paid then,I did receive multiple bills for the periods 7/15—8/14 and 9/15—10/14 as stated in your letter.I tried repeatedly to report this error to your company via the customer service email system,but I never received a response.I am also attaching copies of these emails for your review.
These documents clearly show that I have made all payments in a timely fashion,and I hope they will help you resolve this situation.If you have any more questions for me,please contact me by phone(555-7690)or email(rwalt79@mzmail.com).
Ruth Walter
What does the first letter require Ms.Walter to do?
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Ruth Walter
2921 Cypress Lane
Smith field,UT 00375
Dear Ms.Walter,
It has come to our attention that you have failed to remit payment for service provided during the two billing periods of 7/15—8/14 and 9/15—10/14 last year.
Our records indicate that multiple bills for these periods have been sent to your address with out reply.At this point.we are regrettably required to take stronger measures.If by April 15 we have not received payment in full,including all late fees charged,we will be forced to terminate service to your residence.
For further information about this action,or to verify the amount of your outstanding balance,please call our Customer Service Center at l—888—555—3802。or write to the following address:
Accounts Payable Division
Northern Utah Gas&Power
55755 State Highway 1 6
Logan,UT 00378
February 27th
Accounts Payable Division
Northern Utah Gas&Power
55755 State Highway l 6
Logan,UT 00378
Service representative,
I recently received a notification of outstanding charges on my account.I am very confused and distressed by the situation outlined in your letter.
First of all,I am certain that I paid for all services during the two billing period in question.The payments were on time and for the correct amount.I used your company’S automated telephone billing system and paid with my credit card.I am including transaction receipts from my credit card company that list these payments and the dates on which they were processed by your company.
After I had paid then,I did receive multiple bills for the periods 7/15—8/14 and 9/15—10/14 as stated in your letter.I tried repeatedly to report this error to your company via the customer service email system,but I never received a response.I am also attaching copies of these emails for your review.
These documents clearly show that I have made all payments in a timely fashion,and I hope they will help you resolve this situation.If you have any more questions for me,please contact me by phone(555-7690)or email(rwalt79@mzmail.com).
Ruth Walter
Why did Northern Utah Gas&Power write to Ms.Walter?
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The leaders of Detroit's struggling Big Three automakers are appearing before the Senate today, where prospects of ~25 billion in emergency loans to the industry appear to be stalling.
Amid GOP cries of "corporate welfare", Senate Majority Leader Reid introduced a bill yester-day to let the automakers and component suppliers tap into some of the money Congress allotted in the ¥700 billion financial bailout.
Reid, launching a lame-duck session, warned of a "potential meltdown" in the industry with devastating consequences. He said 355,000 people are employed by the industry and 4.5 million more work in related industries. An additional 1 million people, retirees and their relatives, are covered by retirement and medical plants within the industry, he said.
The Big Three-General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler-have been whipsawed by the faltering economy and credit crunch.
But the odds do not look good for Detroit. At the heart of the debate is whether automakers are deserving as a linchpin of the U.S. economy or not, in the words of one high-profile critic,Republican Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, is an innovation-averse "dinosaur".
Shelby, appearing on Sunday to meet the Press, said "Get rid of the management. Get rid of the boards-the people who brought them to where they are today. This is a dead end. It's a road to nowhere, and it's a big burden on the American taxpayer,"
Republicans attacked the measure on several fronts. Some questioned the rush to judgment,others warned that other industries would soon line up for help. And some charged that the firms brought on their troubles by agreeing to union contracts with wages and benefits costing an average of ¥73 an hour, compared with ¥28 an hour for the average private firm.
GOP Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania said the ¥T00 billion rescue was the No. I issued when he toured the state recently. "Candidily, the temperature of my constituents was boiling, 212 degrees Fahrenheit, and the thermometer was broken," he said.
Some opponents prefer that the automakers pursue Chapter 11 reorganizations instead of hitting up Uncle Sam.
Democrats argue that the ~25 billion is only 4 percent of the bigger bailout. Reid's spokesman, Jim Manley, said the bill has robust language on corporate oversight, taxpayer protections, and executive compensation limits.
A compromise could be struck if Democrats bowed to GOP pressure and, instead of new loans,rewrote the rules for ~25 billion in loans granted to automakers to help them retool factories to buildfuel-efficientvehicles. "It'smindboggling",oneRepublicansaidof Democrats'intransigence. "If I were them, I' d want to get this off my plate before Obama becomes president."
The automotive executives, Alan Mulatly, Ford's president and CEO, Robert Nardelli,Chrysler's chairman and CEO, and Rick Wagoner, GM's chairman and CEO, are to appear before the Senate Banking Committee. Shelby is the top Republican on the panel.
The post-election lame-duck session is the last chance to sign off on the measure during this Congress. The bill probably can pass the House, but prospects are iffy in the Senate, where Democrats need 60 votes to block an expected filibuster.
If nothing passes, it could be taken up in January by the next Congress, which will have a broader Democratic majority.
The passage intends to tell us that ( ).
- 查看答案开始考试
The leaders of Detroit's struggling Big Three automakers are appearing before the Senate today, where prospects of ~25 billion in emergency loans to the industry appear to be stalling.
Amid GOP cries of "corporate welfare", Senate Majority Leader Reid introduced a bill yester-day to let the automakers and component suppliers tap into some of the money Congress allotted in the ¥700 billion financial bailout.
Reid, launching a lame-duck session, warned of a "potential meltdown" in the industry with devastating consequences. He said 355,000 people are employed by the industry and 4.5 million more work in related industries. An additional 1 million people, retirees and their relatives, are covered by retirement and medical plants within the industry, he said.
The Big Three-General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler-have been whipsawed by the faltering economy and credit crunch.
But the odds do not look good for Detroit. At the heart of the debate is whether automakers are deserving as a linchpin of the U.S. economy or not, in the words of one high-profile critic,Republican Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, is an innovation-averse "dinosaur".
Shelby, appearing on Sunday to meet the Press, said "Get rid of the management. Get rid of the boards-the people who brought them to where they are today. This is a dead end. It's a road to nowhere, and it's a big burden on the American taxpayer,"
Republicans attacked the measure on several fronts. Some questioned the rush to judgment,others warned that other industries would soon line up for help. And some charged that the firms brought on their troubles by agreeing to union contracts with wages and benefits costing an average of ¥73 an hour, compared with ¥28 an hour for the average private firm.
GOP Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania said the ¥T00 billion rescue was the No. I issued when he toured the state recently. "Candidily, the temperature of my constituents was boiling, 212 degrees Fahrenheit, and the thermometer was broken," he said.
Some opponents prefer that the automakers pursue Chapter 11 reorganizations instead of hitting up Uncle Sam.
Democrats argue that the ~25 billion is only 4 percent of the bigger bailout. Reid's spokesman, Jim Manley, said the bill has robust language on corporate oversight, taxpayer protections, and executive compensation limits.
A compromise could be struck if Democrats bowed to GOP pressure and, instead of new loans,rewrote the rules for ~25 billion in loans granted to automakers to help them retool factories to buildfuel-efficientvehicles. "It'smindboggling",oneRepublicansaidof Democrats'intransigence. "If I were them, I' d want to get this off my plate before Obama becomes president."
The automotive executives, Alan Mulatly, Ford's president and CEO, Robert Nardelli,Chrysler's chairman and CEO, and Rick Wagoner, GM's chairman and CEO, are to appear before the Senate Banking Committee. Shelby is the top Republican on the panel.
The post-election lame-duck session is the last chance to sign off on the measure during this Congress. The bill probably can pass the House, but prospects are iffy in the Senate, where Democrats need 60 votes to block an expected filibuster.
If nothing passes, it could be taken up in January by the next Congress, which will have a broader Democratic majority.
On which of the following statements would the author most probably agree? ( )
- 查看答案开始考试
The leaders of Detroit's struggling Big Three automakers are appearing before the Senate today, where prospects of ~25 billion in emergency loans to the industry appear to be stalling.
Amid GOP cries of "corporate welfare", Senate Majority Leader Reid introduced a bill yester-day to let the automakers and component suppliers tap into some of the money Congress allotted in the ¥700 billion financial bailout.
Reid, launching a lame-duck session, warned of a "potential meltdown" in the industry with devastating consequences. He said 355,000 people are employed by the industry and 4.5 million more work in related industries. An additional 1 million people, retirees and their relatives, are covered by retirement and medical plants within the industry, he said.
The Big Three-General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler-have been whipsawed by the faltering economy and credit crunch.
But the odds do not look good for Detroit. At the heart of the debate is whether automakers are deserving as a linchpin of the U.S. economy or not, in the words of one high-profile critic,Republican Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, is an innovation-averse "dinosaur".
Shelby, appearing on Sunday to meet the Press, said "Get rid of the management. Get rid of the boards-the people who brought them to where they are today. This is a dead end. It's a road to nowhere, and it's a big burden on the American taxpayer,"
Republicans attacked the measure on several fronts. Some questioned the rush to judgment,others warned that other industries would soon line up for help. And some charged that the firms brought on their troubles by agreeing to union contracts with wages and benefits costing an average of ¥73 an hour, compared with ¥28 an hour for the average private firm.
GOP Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania said the ¥T00 billion rescue was the No. I issued when he toured the state recently. "Candidily, the temperature of my constituents was boiling, 212 degrees Fahrenheit, and the thermometer was broken," he said.
Some opponents prefer that the automakers pursue Chapter 11 reorganizations instead of hitting up Uncle Sam.
Democrats argue that the ~25 billion is only 4 percent of the bigger bailout. Reid's spokesman, Jim Manley, said the bill has robust language on corporate oversight, taxpayer protections, and executive compensation limits.
A compromise could be struck if Democrats bowed to GOP pressure and, instead of new loans,rewrote the rules for ~25 billion in loans granted to automakers to help them retool factories to buildfuel-efficientvehicles. "It'smindboggling",oneRepublicansaidof Democrats'intransigence. "If I were them, I' d want to get this off my plate before Obama becomes president."
The automotive executives, Alan Mulatly, Ford's president and CEO, Robert Nardelli,Chrysler's chairman and CEO, and Rick Wagoner, GM's chairman and CEO, are to appear before the Senate Banking Committee. Shelby is the top Republican on the panel.
The post-election lame-duck session is the last chance to sign off on the measure during this Congress. The bill probably can pass the House, but prospects are iffy in the Senate, where Democrats need 60 votes to block an expected filibuster.
If nothing passes, it could be taken up in January by the next Congress, which will have a broader Democratic majority.
Sen. Arlen Specter is quoted in Paragraph 8 to ( ).
- 查看答案开始考试
The leaders of Detroit's struggling Big Three automakers are appearing before the Senate today, where prospects of ~25 billion in emergency loans to the industry appear to be stalling.
Amid GOP cries of "corporate welfare", Senate Majority Leader Reid introduced a bill yester-day to let the automakers and component suppliers tap into some of the money Congress allotted in the ¥700 billion financial bailout.
Reid, launching a lame-duck session, warned of a "potential meltdown" in the industry with devastating consequences. He said 355,000 people are employed by the industry and 4.5 million more work in related industries. An additional 1 million people, retirees and their relatives, are covered by retirement and medical plants within the industry, he said.
The Big Three-General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler-have been whipsawed by the faltering economy and credit crunch.
But the odds do not look good for Detroit. At the heart of the debate is whether automakers are deserving as a linchpin of the U.S. economy or not, in the words of one high-profile critic,Republican Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, is an innovation-averse "dinosaur".
Shelby, appearing on Sunday to meet the Press, said "Get rid of the management. Get rid of the boards-the people who brought them to where they are today. This is a dead end. It's a road to nowhere, and it's a big burden on the American taxpayer,"
Republicans attacked the measure on several fronts. Some questioned the rush to judgment,others warned that other industries would soon line up for help. And some charged that the firms brought on their troubles by agreeing to union contracts with wages and benefits costing an average of ¥73 an hour, compared with ¥28 an hour for the average private firm.
GOP Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania said the ¥T00 billion rescue was the No. I issued when he toured the state recently. "Candidily, the temperature of my constituents was boiling, 212 degrees Fahrenheit, and the thermometer was broken," he said.
Some opponents prefer that the automakers pursue Chapter 11 reorganizations instead of hitting up Uncle Sam.
Democrats argue that the ~25 billion is only 4 percent of the bigger bailout. Reid's spokesman, Jim Manley, said the bill has robust language on corporate oversight, taxpayer protections, and executive compensation limits.
A compromise could be struck if Democrats bowed to GOP pressure and, instead of new loans,rewrote the rules for ~25 billion in loans granted to automakers to help them retool factories to buildfuel-efficientvehicles. "It'smindboggling",oneRepublicansaidof Democrats'intransigence. "If I were them, I' d want to get this off my plate before Obama becomes president."
The automotive executives, Alan Mulatly, Ford's president and CEO, Robert Nardelli,Chrysler's chairman and CEO, and Rick Wagoner, GM's chairman and CEO, are to appear before the Senate Banking Committee. Shelby is the top Republican on the panel.
The post-election lame-duck session is the last chance to sign off on the measure during this Congress. The bill probably can pass the House, but prospects are iffy in the Senate, where Democrats need 60 votes to block an expected filibuster.
If nothing passes, it could be taken up in January by the next Congress, which will have a broader Democratic majority.
We may infer from the third paragraph that ( ).
- 查看答案开始考试
The leaders of Detroit's struggling Big Three automakers are appearing before the Senate today, where prospects of ~25 billion in emergency loans to the industry appear to be stalling.
Amid GOP cries of "corporate welfare", Senate Majority Leader Reid introduced a bill yester-day to let the automakers and component suppliers tap into some of the money Congress allotted in the ¥700 billion financial bailout.
Reid, launching a lame-duck session, warned of a "potential meltdown" in the industry with devastating consequences. He said 355,000 people are employed by the industry and 4.5 million more work in related industries. An additional 1 million people, retirees and their relatives, are covered by retirement and medical plants within the industry, he said.
The Big Three-General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler-have been whipsawed by the faltering economy and credit crunch.
But the odds do not look good for Detroit. At the heart of the debate is whether automakers are deserving as a linchpin of the U.S. economy or not, in the words of one high-profile critic,Republican Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, is an innovation-averse "dinosaur".
Shelby, appearing on Sunday to meet the Press, said "Get rid of the management. Get rid of the boards-the people who brought them to where they are today. This is a dead end. It's a road to nowhere, and it's a big burden on the American taxpayer,"
Republicans attacked the measure on several fronts. Some questioned the rush to judgment,others warned that other industries would soon line up for help. And some charged that the firms brought on their troubles by agreeing to union contracts with wages and benefits costing an average of ¥73 an hour, compared with ¥28 an hour for the average private firm.
GOP Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania said the ¥T00 billion rescue was the No. I issued when he toured the state recently. "Candidily, the temperature of my constituents was boiling, 212 degrees Fahrenheit, and the thermometer was broken," he said.
Some opponents prefer that the automakers pursue Chapter 11 reorganizations instead of hitting up Uncle Sam.
Democrats argue that the ~25 billion is only 4 percent of the bigger bailout. Reid's spokesman, Jim Manley, said the bill has robust language on corporate oversight, taxpayer protections, and executive compensation limits.
A compromise could be struck if Democrats bowed to GOP pressure and, instead of new loans,rewrote the rules for ~25 billion in loans granted to automakers to help them retool factories to buildfuel-efficientvehicles. "It'smindboggling",oneRepublicansaidof Democrats'intransigence. "If I were them, I' d want to get this off my plate before Obama becomes president."
The automotive executives, Alan Mulatly, Ford's president and CEO, Robert Nardelli,Chrysler's chairman and CEO, and Rick Wagoner, GM's chairman and CEO, are to appear before the Senate Banking Committee. Shelby is the top Republican on the panel.
The post-election lame-duck session is the last chance to sign off on the measure during this Congress. The bill probably can pass the House, but prospects are iffy in the Senate, where Democrats need 60 votes to block an expected filibuster.
If nothing passes, it could be taken up in January by the next Congress, which will have a broader Democratic majority.
Harry Reid proposed a bill for the automakers because( ).
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