- 推荐等级:
- 发布时间:2021-12-22 10:51
- 卷面总分:65分
- 答题时间:240分钟
- 试卷题量:65题
- 练习次数:113次
- 试卷分类:银行招聘综合知识
- 试卷类型:历年真题
What can be inferred about Mr. Dave Lincoln’s trip?
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这道问题需要比较文章和选项的内容,从而确认和文章相符合的内容。第一篇文章是Lincoln 写的 ,第二篇文章是关于 Lincoln 的内容,因此对这两篇文章都要仔细浏览。这道问题比较耗时间,很容易 犯错,因此一定要注意。第二篇文章中的prices in the area were inflated due to the convention(那个地K的物价 因为这次会议而上涨),可以推出Lincoln出差是为了参加会议。第一篇文章中有“租车费(auto rental)”,因此 可以得知选项A“开着自己的车去”是错误的。选项B和C文中没有涉及。
What accompanies the memo?
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How long did Mr. Dave Lincoln stay at the hotel?
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这道问题和7题相关,看到文中出现的your three-night stay(您3夜的停留),正确答案就呼之欲出了。这里要注意stay可以用作动词,也可以用作名词。
Which expenditure went over the company limit?
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问题的核心是went over the company limit(超过了公司规定的支出限额),这与文章中出现的 exceeds the company’s expense guidelines是一脉相承的。通过上下文的分析很容易就知道是住宿费超额了。
Why has the statament been submitted?
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To:Rex Roeges,Customer Service Department Iroeges@books, com〉
From:Dave Palmer〈palmer@mail2. com
Re : Lost book
Dear Mr. Rex Roeges,
I am writing this e—mail concerning a book that I ordered through your company,The Computer Networks 4th edition,order number 20035. I placed the order last month and still have not received the book.
I visited your website and confirmed that my shipping information was correct,and that my credit card has been charged for the book; the website also indicates that the book was shipped using your “Global Carrier,,service the day after I ordered it. Considering that “Global Carrier” shipments typically take two weeks to arrive, I should have received my goods a week ago at the latest. However,my post office informed me they have neither received nor delivered the book. Can you let me know what is going on as soon as possible? Dave PalmerTo : Dave Palmer ^palmer@mail2. com
From : Rex Roeges Iroeges@books. com
Re;Lost book
Dear Mr. Palmer,
Thank you for contacting us. It is important to us that our customers are satisfied with our service,so I am very sorry to hear that you have not received your merchandise.
I looked up your order number and discovered that the book has not been sent out. I have rectified this mistake on our website and sent the book to you via express mail. It should arrive within two business days. With the book I have enclosed a coupon for half off your next order.
Again,I apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please contact me at 602 — 385 — 0256. or e—mail me at Croeges@noble, com〉.
Rex Roges, Customer Service Department Nobel Bookstore
Which of the following statament true?
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这道问题要求把握文章的细节并进行推理。这种问题需要快速浏览文章并把握大意。Global Carrier公司的送货时间一般需要花费两周,Palmer在一周前收到了商品,因此可以推知他是在3周前订货的。
To:Rex Roeges,Customer Service Department Iroeges@books, com〉
From:Dave Palmer〈palmer@mail2. com
Re : Lost book
Dear Mr. Rex Roeges,
I am writing this e—mail concerning a book that I ordered through your company,The Computer Networks 4th edition,order number 20035. I placed the order last month and still have not received the book.
I visited your website and confirmed that my shipping information was correct,and that my credit card has been charged for the book; the website also indicates that the book was shipped using your “Global Carrier,,service the day after I ordered it. Considering that “Global Carrier” shipments typically take two weeks to arrive, I should have received my goods a week ago at the latest. However,my post office informed me they have neither received nor delivered the book. Can you let me know what is going on as soon as possible? Dave PalmerTo : Dave Palmer ^palmer@mail2. com
From : Rex Roeges Iroeges@books. com
Re;Lost book
Dear Mr. Palmer,
Thank you for contacting us. It is important to us that our customers are satisfied with our service,so I am very sorry to hear that you have not received your merchandise.
I looked up your order number and discovered that the book has not been sent out. I have rectified this mistake on our website and sent the book to you via express mail. It should arrive within two business days. With the book I have enclosed a coupon for half off your next order.
Again,I apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please contact me at 602 — 385 — 0256. or e—mail me at Croeges@noble, com〉.
Rex Roges, Customer Service Department Nobel Bookstore
How did the company attempt to compensate the customer?
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这道问题询问公司向顾客的赔偿事项,因此只要在第二篇文章里找到compensate(赔偿)这个 词和相关事项,就可以知道正确答案了。文中说“附寄了一张下次订购可以享受半价打折的优惠券”,因此可以 断定公司通过赠送优惠券来赔偿顾客。
To:Rex Roeges,Customer Service Department Iroeges@books, com〉
From:Dave Palmer〈palmer@mail2. com
Re : Lost book
Dear Mr. Rex Roeges,
I am writing this e—mail concerning a book that I ordered through your company,The Computer Networks 4th edition,order number 20035. I placed the order last month and still have not received the book.
I visited your website and confirmed that my shipping information was correct,and that my credit card has been charged for the book; the website also indicates that the book was shipped using your “Global Carrier,,service the day after I ordered it. Considering that “Global Carrier” shipments typically take two weeks to arrive, I should have received my goods a week ago at the latest. However,my post office informed me they have neither received nor delivered the book. Can you let me know what is going on as soon as possible? Dave PalmerTo : Dave Palmer ^palmer@mail2. com
From : Rex Roeges Iroeges@books. com
Re;Lost book
Dear Mr. Palmer,
Thank you for contacting us. It is important to us that our customers are satisfied with our service,so I am very sorry to hear that you have not received your merchandise.
I looked up your order number and discovered that the book has not been sent out. I have rectified this mistake on our website and sent the book to you via express mail. It should arrive within two business days. With the book I have enclosed a coupon for half off your next order.
Again,I apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please contact me at 602 — 385 — 0256. or e—mail me at Croeges@noble, com〉.
Rex Roges, Customer Service Department Nobel Bookstore
What error did the website contain?
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问题的核心单词the website在两篇文章中都有涉及,因此要把两篇文章联系起来分析细节情况。第一篇文章中提及the website also indicates that the book was shipped…(贵公司的网站上也显示已经送货),第二篇文章则提到I have rectified this mistake on our website…(我已经改正了网站的这个错误),因此可以得知是网站错误地标示了送货情况。
To:Rex Roeges,Customer Service Department Iroeges@books, com〉
From:Dave Palmer〈palmer@mail2. com
Re : Lost book
Dear Mr. Rex Roeges,
I am writing this e—mail concerning a book that I ordered through your company,The Computer Networks 4th edition,order number 20035. I placed the order last month and still have not received the book.
I visited your website and confirmed that my shipping information was correct,and that my credit card has been charged for the book; the website also indicates that the book was shipped using your “Global Carrier,,service the day after I ordered it. Considering that “Global Carrier” shipments typically take two weeks to arrive, I should have received my goods a week ago at the latest. However,my post office informed me they have neither received nor delivered the book. Can you let me know what is going on as soon as possible? Dave PalmerTo : Dave Palmer ^palmer@mail2. com
From : Rex Roeges Iroeges@books. com
Re;Lost book
Dear Mr. Palmer,
Thank you for contacting us. It is important to us that our customers are satisfied with our service,so I am very sorry to hear that you have not received your merchandise.
I looked up your order number and discovered that the book has not been sent out. I have rectified this mistake on our website and sent the book to you via express mail. It should arrive within two business days. With the book I have enclosed a coupon for half off your next order.
Again,I apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please contact me at 602 — 385 — 0256. or e—mail me at Croeges@noble, com〉.
Rex Roges, Customer Service Department Nobel Bookstore
What did the customer discover?
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这道题考査细节,零要把顾客在邮件中提到的内容和选项作比较。一定要注意第二段中提到的I visited your website and confirmed that后面的内容。“我访问过你们的网站并且确认了‘ that’以下的事实。”that以下的内容中包含了“送货信息”和“用信用卡支付了图书费用”两部分内容。在4个选项中寻找到其中之一就是正确答案了。
To:Rex Roeges,Customer Service Department Iroeges@books, com〉
From:Dave Palmer〈palmer@mail2. com
Re : Lost book
Dear Mr. Rex Roeges,
I am writing this e—mail concerning a book that I ordered through your company,The Computer Networks 4th edition,order number 20035. I placed the order last month and still have not received the book.
I visited your website and confirmed that my shipping information was correct,and that my credit card has been charged for the book; the website also indicates that the book was shipped using your “Global Carrier,,service the day after I ordered it. Considering that “Global Carrier” shipments typically take two weeks to arrive, I should have received my goods a week ago at the latest. However,my post office informed me they have neither received nor delivered the book. Can you let me know what is going on as soon as possible? Dave PalmerTo : Dave Palmer ^palmer@mail2. com
From : Rex Roeges Iroeges@books. com
Re;Lost book
Dear Mr. Palmer,
Thank you for contacting us. It is important to us that our customers are satisfied with our service,so I am very sorry to hear that you have not received your merchandise.
I looked up your order number and discovered that the book has not been sent out. I have rectified this mistake on our website and sent the book to you via express mail. It should arrive within two business days. With the book I have enclosed a coupon for half off your next order.
Again,I apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please contact me at 602 — 385 — 0256. or e—mail me at Croeges@noble, com〉.
Rex Roges, Customer Service Department Nobel Bookstore
Why did the customer send his e—mail?
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这种类型的问题必须通观文章的首尾才能知道答案。不能想当然认为每篇电子邮件都会在开 头就阐明主题,有的电子邮件在结尾才阐明主题。通过文章的开头“虽然订购但是没收到书”,和文章的结尾 “Can you let me know what is going on as soon as possible?(可以尽快把事情的原由告诉我吗?)”可见,顾客写这封邮件的目的是询问已经订购却未收到的书的情况。
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