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- 发布时间:2021-12-21 08:16
- 卷面总分:1分
- 答题时间:240分钟
- 试卷题量:61题
- 练习次数:138次
- 试卷分类:英语(专升本)
- 试卷类型:模拟考题
Jason:Where do you work,Andrea?
Andrea:I work for Thomas Cook Travel.
Andrea:I′m a guide.I take people on toursto countries in South America,like Peru.
Andrea:Yes,it′s a great job.I love it.58
Jason:I′m a student,and I have apart-time job,too.
Jason:In a fast-food restaurant.
Jason:Hamburger Heaven.
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Jason:Where do you work,Andrea?
Andrea:I work for Thomas Cook Travel.
Andrea:I′m a guide.I take people on toursto countries in South America,like Peru.
Andrea:Yes,it′s a great job.I love it.58
Jason:I′m a student,and I have apart-time job,too.
Jason:In a fast-food restaurant.
Jason:Hamburger Heaven.
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Jason:Where do you work,Andrea?
Andrea:I work for Thomas Cook Travel.
Andrea:I′m a guide.I take people on toursto countries in South America,like Peru.
Andrea:Yes,it′s a great job.I love it.58
Jason:I′m a student,and I have apart-time job,too.
Jason:In a fast-food restaurant.
Jason:Hamburger Heaven.
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Jason:Where do you work,Andrea?
Andrea:I work for Thomas Cook Travel.
Andrea:I′m a guide.I take people on toursto countries in South America,like Peru.
Andrea:Yes,it′s a great job.I love it.58
Jason:I′m a student,and I have apart-time job,too.
Jason:In a fast-food restaurant.
Jason:Hamburger Heaven.
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Jason:Where do you work,Andrea?
Andrea:I work for Thomas Cook Travel.
Andrea:I′m a guide.I take people on toursto countries in South America,like Peru.
Andrea:Yes,it′s a great job.I love it.58
Jason:I′m a student,and I have apart-time job,too.
Jason:In a fast-food restaurant.
Jason:Hamburger Heaven.
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Passage Five
Would you like to spend all evening reading a lovely story with beautifulillustrations and make$35,000 atthe same time?Millions of people all over the world tried to do just that.Only one succeeded.The book is called Masquerade,and was written by Britishpainter Kit Williams.Within its pages are clues to the location of a goldenjewel,and whoever figured out the clues could find and keep the treasure.
Some years ago,Williams was asked to write a children′s book.Wanting to do something no one elsehad done before,he decided to bury a golden treasure and tell where it was inthe book.He be-gan painting without a clear idea of what the story would beabout,where he would bury the treasure,or even what the treasure would be.Ashe painted,he decided that in the story a hare,or rabbit,would travel throughearth,air,fire and water to deliver a gift from the moon to the sun.Afterthree years,he finished the paintings and then wrote the story.The treasurebecame an 18-
carat gold hare,adorned with preciousstones,and it was made by Kit Williams himself.This beautiful jewel,wortharound$35,000,depending on gold prices,was buried somewhere in Britain,freeto anyone who could decipher the clues.Williams′s book kept people of all agesamused trying to solve the mystery of Masquerade.
The rabbit was finallyfound in the spring of 1982,by a 48-year-old design engineer.It was buried ina park about thirty-five miles from London.
This passage is about___.
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Passage Five
Would you like to spend all evening reading a lovely story with beautifulillustrations and make$35,000 atthe same time?Millions of people all over the world tried to do just that.Only one succeeded.The book is called Masquerade,and was written by Britishpainter Kit Williams.Within its pages are clues to the location of a goldenjewel,and whoever figured out the clues could find and keep the treasure.
Some years ago,Williams was asked to write a children′s book.Wanting to do something no one elsehad done before,he decided to bury a golden treasure and tell where it was inthe book.He be-gan painting without a clear idea of what the story would beabout,where he would bury the treasure,or even what the treasure would be.Ashe painted,he decided that in the story a hare,or rabbit,would travel throughearth,air,fire and water to deliver a gift from the moon to the sun.Afterthree years,he finished the paintings and then wrote the story.The treasurebecame an 18-
carat gold hare,adorned with preciousstones,and it was made by Kit Williams himself.This beautiful jewel,wortharound$35,000,depending on gold prices,was buried somewhere in Britain,freeto anyone who could decipher the clues.Williams′s book kept people of all agesamused trying to solve the mystery of Masquerade.
The rabbit was finallyfound in the spring of 1982,by a 48-year-old design engineer.It was buried ina park about thirty-five miles from London.
We can conclude from the passage that___.
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Passage Five
Would you like to spend all evening reading a lovely story with beautifulillustrations and make$35,000 atthe same time?Millions of people all over the world tried to do just that.Only one succeeded.The book is called Masquerade,and was written by Britishpainter Kit Williams.Within its pages are clues to the location of a goldenjewel,and whoever figured out the clues could find and keep the treasure.
Some years ago,Williams was asked to write a children′s book.Wanting to do something no one elsehad done before,he decided to bury a golden treasure and tell where it was inthe book.He be-gan painting without a clear idea of what the story would beabout,where he would bury the treasure,or even what the treasure would be.Ashe painted,he decided that in the story a hare,or rabbit,would travel throughearth,air,fire and water to deliver a gift from the moon to the sun.Afterthree years,he finished the paintings and then wrote the story.The treasurebecame an 18-
carat gold hare,adorned with preciousstones,and it was made by Kit Williams himself.This beautiful jewel,wortharound$35,000,depending on gold prices,was buried somewhere in Britain,freeto anyone who could decipher the clues.Williams′s book kept people of all agesamused trying to solve the mystery of Masquerade.
The rabbit was finallyfound in the spring of 1982,by a 48-year-old design engineer.It was buried ina park about thirty-five miles from London.
When Williams began working on hisbook,he___.
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Passage Five
Would you like to spend all evening reading a lovely story with beautifulillustrations and make$35,000 atthe same time?Millions of people all over the world tried to do just that.Only one succeeded.The book is called Masquerade,and was written by Britishpainter Kit Williams.Within its pages are clues to the location of a goldenjewel,and whoever figured out the clues could find and keep the treasure.
Some years ago,Williams was asked to write a children′s book.Wanting to do something no one elsehad done before,he decided to bury a golden treasure and tell where it was inthe book.He be-gan painting without a clear idea of what the story would beabout,where he would bury the treasure,or even what the treasure would be.Ashe painted,he decided that in the story a hare,or rabbit,would travel throughearth,air,fire and water to deliver a gift from the moon to the sun.Afterthree years,he finished the paintings and then wrote the story.The treasurebecame an 18-
carat gold hare,adorned with preciousstones,and it was made by Kit Williams himself.This beautiful jewel,wortharound$35,000,depending on gold prices,was buried somewhere in Britain,freeto anyone who could decipher the clues.Williams′s book kept people of all agesamused trying to solve the mystery of Masquerade.
The rabbit was finallyfound in the spring of 1982,by a 48-year-old design engineer.It was buried ina park about thirty-five miles from London.
The function of the firstsentence in this passage is to___.
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Passage Four
Thediscovery of a dwarfed(矮个子)"humanbeing"who lived in Flores,Indonesia,up to 18,000 years ago is changingthe way we think about the human family.This"Flores Human"was threefoot tall and her brain was smaller than that of the average chimp(黑猩猩),yet she and her relatives apparently lived fully human lives.They seem to have made tools,worked together to find food and cook it,andperhaps even burried their dead with ceremony.
It was a major surprise to find tools associated with the newhuman family member.The tools are like those formerly seen only with Europeanfossils(化石)from our own species;Homo sapiens(智人);and the oldest of them were made 9,400 years ago.Homo sapiens isthought to have arrived in the island about 4,000 years ago,much too late tobe responsible for the tools.If this tiny human made the tools,then theinside structure(结构)of its brain must have been morelike our own than a chimp′s,despite being just a third the size of ours.
This"new human"was suspected to be a dwarfed branch ofHomo erectus(直立人,).When creatures are separated in regionswith rare resources but few enemies,being big is a disadvantage,and evolutiontends to shrink them,a process known as island dwarfing.Could naturalselection make a human smaller while keeping--even improving--mental ability?Quite possibly,believes Christopher Wills of the University of California.
Has the"Flores Human"even shown the ability oflanguage?"I find it difficult to imagine that people could make tools,use fire,and kill large animals without fairly advanced communication,"Wills says.Did"Flores Human"possess the basic components of humanculture--such as the burying of the dead with ceremony?Emiliano Bruner of theItalian Institute points out that Indonesia′s hot,wet environment is bad forfossilization.It is reasonable to assume,he says,that the 18,000-year-oldbones of the most complete Flores woman were well-preserved because she wasburied with special care.
According to the passage,it isbelieved that"Flores Human"__
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