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- 发布时间:2021-12-20 17:14
- 卷面总分:52分
- 答题时间:240分钟
- 试卷题量:52题
- 练习次数:188次
- 试卷分类:英语(专升本)
- 试卷类型:历年真题
Socrates is often referred to as one ofthe founders of Western philosophy, and yet he wrote nothing, established noschool, and held no particular theories of his own. What he did do, however,wasfrequently ask the questions that interested him, and in doing so developed a new way of thinking.This method proceeds(展开) as a dialogue between opposing views, and it earned him manyenemies in Athens, where he lived.
As a young man, Socrates is believed tohave studied natural philosophy, looking at the various explanations of thenature of the universe, but then became involved in the politics of thecity-state and concerned with more down-to-earth moral issues, such as thenature of justice.
However, he was not interested in winningarguments, or arguing for the sake of making money.
Nor was he seeking answers or explanations.He was simply examining the basis of the concepts we apply to ourselves ( suchas "good", "bad", and "just"), for he believedthat understanding what we are is the first task of philosophy.
He was sentenced to death on charges ofcorrupting the young with bad ideas. But he also had many followers, and amongthem was Plato, who recorded Socrates' ideas in the written works, called dialogues,in which Socrates sets about examining various ideas.Socrates' central concern,then, was the examination of life, and it was his cruel questioning of people'smost valued beliefs ( largely about themselves) that earned him hisenemies--but he remained committed to his task until the very end. According tothe account of his defense at his trial, Socrates
chose death rather than face a life ofignorance: "The life which is unexamined is not worth living. "
What is the tone of the passage
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Socrates is often referred to as one ofthe founders of Western philosophy, and yet he wrote nothing, established noschool, and held no particular theories of his own. What he did do, however,wasfrequently ask the questions that interested him, and in doing so developed a new way of thinking.This method proceeds(展开) as a dialogue between opposing views, and it earned him manyenemies in Athens, where he lived.
As a young man, Socrates is believed tohave studied natural philosophy, looking at the various explanations of thenature of the universe, but then became involved in the politics of thecity-state and concerned with more down-to-earth moral issues, such as thenature of justice.
However, he was not interested in winningarguments, or arguing for the sake of making money.
Nor was he seeking answers or explanations.He was simply examining the basis of the concepts we apply to ourselves ( suchas "good", "bad", and "just"), for he believedthat understanding what we are is the first task of philosophy.
He was sentenced to death on charges ofcorrupting the young with bad ideas. But he also had many followers, and amongthem was Plato, who recorded Socrates' ideas in the written works, called dialogues,in which Socrates sets about examining various ideas.Socrates' central concern,then, was the examination of life, and it was his cruel questioning of people'smost valued beliefs ( largely about themselves) that earned him hisenemies--but he remained committed to his task until the very end. According tothe account of his defense at his trial, Socrates
chose death rather than face a life ofignorance: "The life which is unexamined is not worth living. "
What is the passage mainly about
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Socrates is often referred to as one ofthe founders of Western philosophy, and yet he wrote nothing, established noschool, and held no particular theories of his own. What he did do, however,wasfrequently ask the questions that interested him, and in doing so developed a new way of thinking.This method proceeds(展开) as a dialogue between opposing views, and it earned him manyenemies in Athens, where he lived.
As a young man, Socrates is believed tohave studied natural philosophy, looking at the various explanations of thenature of the universe, but then became involved in the politics of thecity-state and concerned with more down-to-earth moral issues, such as thenature of justice.
However, he was not interested in winningarguments, or arguing for the sake of making money.
Nor was he seeking answers or explanations.He was simply examining the basis of the concepts we apply to ourselves ( suchas "good", "bad", and "just"), for he believedthat understanding what we are is the first task of philosophy.
He was sentenced to death on charges ofcorrupting the young with bad ideas. But he also had many followers, and amongthem was Plato, who recorded Socrates' ideas in the written works, called dialogues,in which Socrates sets about examining various ideas.Socrates' central concern,then, was the examination of life, and it was his cruel questioning of people'smost valued beliefs ( largely about themselves) that earned him hisenemies--but he remained committed to his task until the very end. According tothe account of his defense at his trial, Socrates
chose death rather than face a life ofignorance: "The life which is unexamined is not worth living. "
What is the most important task ofphilosophy according to Socrates
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根据文章第三段最后一句“for he believed that understanding what we are is the first task ofphilosophy”可知,苏格拉底认为,了解“我们到底是谁”是哲学的第一个任务,故选A。
Socrates is often referred to as one ofthe founders of Western philosophy, and yet he wrote nothing, established noschool, and held no particular theories of his own. What he did do, however,wasfrequently ask the questions that interested him, and in doing so developed a new way of thinking.This method proceeds(展开) as a dialogue between opposing views, and it earned him manyenemies in Athens, where he lived.
As a young man, Socrates is believed tohave studied natural philosophy, looking at the various explanations of thenature of the universe, but then became involved in the politics of thecity-state and concerned with more down-to-earth moral issues, such as thenature of justice.
However, he was not interested in winningarguments, or arguing for the sake of making money.
Nor was he seeking answers or explanations.He was simply examining the basis of the concepts we apply to ourselves ( suchas "good", "bad", and "just"), for he believedthat understanding what we are is the first task of philosophy.
He was sentenced to death on charges ofcorrupting the young with bad ideas. But he also had many followers, and amongthem was Plato, who recorded Socrates' ideas in the written works, called dialogues,in which Socrates sets about examining various ideas.Socrates' central concern,then, was the examination of life, and it was his cruel questioning of people'smost valued beliefs ( largely about themselves) that earned him hisenemies--but he remained committed to his task until the very end. According tothe account of his defense at his trial, Socrates
chose death rather than face a life ofignorance: "The life which is unexamined is not worth living. "
What is true about Socrates
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根据文章最后一段第一句中“Socrates’central concern,then,was the examinationof life”可知,苏格拉底关注的焦点是对生命的探索,即苏格拉底关注的是生命的真正意义,故选D。
Alan Lakein, a time management expert,thinks that nothing is a total waste of time, including doing nothing at times.If you arrange things so that you find time to relax and "donothing", you will get more done and have more fun doing it.
One of his clients, a space engineer,didn't know how to " do nothing ". Every minute of his leisure timewas scheduled with intense activities. He had an outdoor-activities schedule inwhich he switched from skiing to tennis. His girlfriend kept up with him inthese activities, although she would have preferred just to sit by the fire andrelax once in a while. Like too many people, he felt the need to be doingsomething all the time, for doing nothing seemed a waste of time. His"relaxing by the fire" consisted of playing chess, reading magazines,or checking emails.
For an experiment, Alan asked him to"waste" his time for five minutes during one of their sessionstogether. What the engineer ended up doing was relaxing, sitting quietly anddaydreaming.When he was finally able to admit that emotional reasons caused himto reject relaxing as a waste of time, he began to look more critically at thatway of thinking. Once he knew that relaxing was a good use of time, he became less serious about being busyand started enjoying each activity more.
Previously he had been so busy doing thathe had no time to have fun at anything. He began to do less and have more fun.When Alan saw the client about three years later, he still had as busy aschedule as ever, but he was able to balance his activity with relaxing so thathe came back to work Monday morning not feeling tired out from a busy weekendbut refreshed.
What can be inferred from the passageabout "doing nothing"
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根据文章第三段最后一句可知,三年后,航天工程师仍有忙碌的工作安排,但他学会了平衡工作时间与放松时间,星期一上班也不再无精打采,工作效率提高了。由此可知,“doing nothing”可以帮助人们提高做事效率,故选D。
Alan Lakein, a time management expert,thinks that nothing is a total waste of time, including doing nothing at times.If you arrange things so that you find time to relax and "donothing", you will get more done and have more fun doing it.
One of his clients, a space engineer,didn't know how to " do nothing ". Every minute of his leisure timewas scheduled with intense activities. He had an outdoor-activities schedule inwhich he switched from skiing to tennis. His girlfriend kept up with him inthese activities, although she would have preferred just to sit by the fire andrelax once in a while. Like too many people, he felt the need to be doingsomething all the time, for doing nothing seemed a waste of time. His"relaxing by the fire" consisted of playing chess, reading magazines,or checking emails.
For an experiment, Alan asked him to"waste" his time for five minutes during one of their sessionstogether. What the engineer ended up doing was relaxing, sitting quietly anddaydreaming.When he was finally able to admit that emotional reasons caused himto reject relaxing as a waste of time, he began to look more critically at thatway of thinking. Once he knew that relaxing was a good use of time, he became less serious about being busyand started enjoying each activity more.
Previously he had been so busy doing thathe had no time to have fun at anything. He began to do less and have more fun.When Alan saw the client about three years later, he still had as busy aschedule as ever, but he was able to balance his activity with relaxing so thathe came back to work Monday morning not feeling tired out from a busy weekendbut refreshed.
What happened after the engineerlearned "doing nothing"
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根据文章第三段第四句“Once he knew that relaxing was a good use of time,he becameless serious about being busy and started enjoying each activity more”可知,一旦他知道了放松是一种不错的利用时间的方式,他开始不再让自己那么忙,更享受每一项活动。也就是说,航天工程师真正明白了“doing nothing”的含义,故选B。
Alan Lakein, a time management expert,thinks that nothing is a total waste of time, including doing nothing at times.If you arrange things so that you find time to relax and "donothing", you will get more done and have more fun doing it.
One of his clients, a space engineer,didn't know how to " do nothing ". Every minute of his leisure timewas scheduled with intense activities. He had an outdoor-activities schedule inwhich he switched from skiing to tennis. His girlfriend kept up with him inthese activities, although she would have preferred just to sit by the fire andrelax once in a while. Like too many people, he felt the need to be doingsomething all the time, for doing nothing seemed a waste of time. His"relaxing by the fire" consisted of playing chess, reading magazines,or checking emails.
For an experiment, Alan asked him to"waste" his time for five minutes during one of their sessionstogether. What the engineer ended up doing was relaxing, sitting quietly anddaydreaming.When he was finally able to admit that emotional reasons caused himto reject relaxing as a waste of time, he began to look more critically at thatway of thinking. Once he knew that relaxing was a good use of time, he became less serious about being busyand started enjoying each activity more.
Previously he had been so busy doing thathe had no time to have fun at anything. He began to do less and have more fun.When Alan saw the client about three years later, he still had as busy aschedule as ever, but he was able to balance his activity with relaxing so thathe came back to work Monday morning not feeling tired out from a busy weekendbut refreshed.
What made the engineer reject relaxing
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根据文章第三段第三句“When he was finally able to admit that emotional reasons caused himto reject relaxing as a waste of time,he began to lookmore critically at that way ofthinking”可知,这位航天工程师最后承认,情感因素导致了他拒绝放松,他开始更加挑剔地看待这种思维方式。因此选C。
Alan Lakein, a time management expert,thinks that nothing is a total waste of time, including doing nothing at times.If you arrange things so that you find time to relax and "donothing", you will get more done and have more fun doing it.
One of his clients, a space engineer,didn't know how to " do nothing ". Every minute of his leisure timewas scheduled with intense activities. He had an outdoor-activities schedule inwhich he switched from skiing to tennis. His girlfriend kept up with him inthese activities, although she would have preferred just to sit by the fire andrelax once in a while. Like too many people, he felt the need to be doingsomething all the time, for doing nothing seemed a waste of time. His"relaxing by the fire" consisted of playing chess, reading magazines,or checking emails.
For an experiment, Alan asked him to"waste" his time for five minutes during one of their sessionstogether. What the engineer ended up doing was relaxing, sitting quietly anddaydreaming.When he was finally able to admit that emotional reasons caused himto reject relaxing as a waste of time, he began to look more critically at thatway of thinking. Once he knew that relaxing was a good use of time, he became less serious about being busyand started enjoying each activity more.
Previously he had been so busy doing thathe had no time to have fun at anything. He began to do less and have more fun.When Alan saw the client about three years later, he still had as busy aschedule as ever, but he was able to balance his activity with relaxing so thathe came back to work Monday morning not feeling tired out from a busy weekendbut refreshed.
What did "doingnothing" mean to the space engineer at first
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根据文章第二段倒数第二句“Like too many people,he felt the need to be doing something all the time,for doingnothing seemed a waste of time”可知,这位航天工程师和其他人一样,觉得有必要一直做点什么,因为什么都不干似乎就是在浪费时间,故选B。
On a dry and cold Friday afternoon lastOctober, Sharon Seline exchanged text messages with her daughter who was incollege. They "chatted" back and forth, with the mom asking howthings were going and the daughter answering positively followed by emoticons(表情符) showingsmiles, b-i-g smiles and hearts.
Later that night, her daughter attemptedsuicide.
In the days that followed, it came to lightthat she'd hidden herself in her dorm, crying and showing signs ofdepression--a completely different reality from the one that she conveyed intexts and Facebook posts.
As human beings, our only real method ofconnection is through real communication. Studies show that only 7% ofcommunication is based on writing and speaking. The majority of 93% is based onbody language. Indeed, it's only when we can hear a tone of voice or look intosomeone's eyes that we're able to know when "I'm fine" doesn't meanthey're fine at all.
This is where social media gets risky.
With modern technology, anyone can hidebehind the text, the e-mail, or the Facebook post,projecting any image they wantand creating a false image of their choosing. They can be whoever they want tobe. And without the ability to receive body language, their audiences are nonethe wiser.
This presents a paradox which doesn't existbefore. With all the powerful social technologies at our fingertips, we aremore connected--and potentially more disconnected--than ever before.
Every relevant metric(衡量标准) showsthat we are interacting at a great speed and frequency through social media.But are we really communicating With 93% of our communication context(语境) lost, weare now attempting to establish relationships and make decisions based onphrases or emoticons, which may or may not accurately represent the truth.
What is the best title for the passage
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On a dry and cold Friday afternoon lastOctober, Sharon Seline exchanged text messages with her daughter who was incollege. They "chatted" back and forth, with the mom asking howthings were going and the daughter answering positively followed by emoticons(表情符) showingsmiles, b-i-g smiles and hearts.
Later that night, her daughter attemptedsuicide.
In the days that followed, it came to lightthat she'd hidden herself in her dorm, crying and showing signs ofdepression--a completely different reality from the one that she conveyed intexts and Facebook posts.
As human beings, our only real method ofconnection is through real communication. Studies show that only 7% ofcommunication is based on writing and speaking. The majority of 93% is based onbody language. Indeed, it's only when we can hear a tone of voice or look intosomeone's eyes that we're able to know when "I'm fine" doesn't meanthey're fine at all.
This is where social media gets risky.
With modern technology, anyone can hidebehind the text, the e-mail, or the Facebook post,projecting any image they wantand creating a false image of their choosing. They can be whoever they want tobe. And without the ability to receive body language, their audiences are nonethe wiser.
This presents a paradox which doesn't existbefore. With all the powerful social technologies at our fingertips, we aremore connected--and potentially more disconnected--than ever before.
Every relevant metric(衡量标准) showsthat we are interacting at a great speed and frequency through social media.But are we really communicating With 93% of our communication context(语境) lost, weare now attempting to establish relationships and make decisions based onphrases or emoticons, which may or may not accurately represent the truth.
What is true about today'scommunication through social media
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根据文章第八段最后一句“With 93%of our communication context(语境)lost,we are nowattempting to establish relationships and make decisions based on phrases oremoticons,which may or may not accurately represent the truth”可知,在人们用现代科技手段进行交流时,实际上93%的真实语境已经消失了,我们现在正试图根据短语或表情来建立关系和做出决定,这些短语或表情可能会或可能不会准确地传递真相。因此,线上交流给人们提供的语境很少,故选B。
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