- 推荐等级:
- 发布时间:2021-12-14 08:08
- 卷面总分:75分
- 答题时间:240分钟
- 试卷题量:75题
- 练习次数:125次
- 试卷分类:高级系统架构设计师
- 试卷类型:历年真题
Designing the data storage architecture is an important activity in system design. There are two main types of data storage formats: files and databases. Files are electronic of data that have been optimized to perform a particular transaction. There are several types of files that differ in the way they are used to support an application. ( ) store core information that is important to the business and , more specifically , to the application , such as order information or customer mailing information. ( ) contain static values , such as a list of valid codes or the names of cities . Typically, the list is used for validation. A database is a collection of groupings of information that are related to each other in some way. There are many different types of databases that exist on the market today. ( ) is given to those databases which are based on older , sometimes outdated technology that is seldom used to develop new applications . ( ) are collections of records that are related to each other through pointers In relational database , (请作答此空) can be used in ensuring that values linking the tables together through the primary and foreign keys are valid and correctly synchronized.
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( )存储的核心信息对业务很重要,更具体地说,对应用程序而言,例如订单信息或客户邮件信息。( )包含静态值,例如有效代码列表或城市名称。通常,该列表用于验证。数据库是以某种方式彼此相关的信息分组的集合。目前市场上存在许多不同类型的数据库。( )给予那些基于较旧的,有时过时的技术的数据库,这些技术很少用于开发新的应用程序。( )是通过指针彼此相关的记录集合在关系数据库中,(请作答此空)可用于确保通过主键和外键将表链接在一起的值是有效且正确同步的。 A. 识别关系 B. 正常化 C. 参照完整性 D. 商店程序
Designing the data storage architecture is an important activity in system design. There are two main types of data storage formats: files and databases. Files are electronic of data that have been optimized to perform a particular transaction. There are several types of files that differ in the way they are used to support an application. ( ) store core information that is important to the business and , more specifically , to the application , such as order information or customer mailing information. (请作答此空) contain static values , such as a list of valid codes or the names of cities . Typically, the list is used for validation. A database is a collection of groupings of information that are related to each other in some way. There are many different types of databases that exist on the market today. ( ) is given to those databases which are based on older , sometimes outdated technology that is seldom used to develop new applications . ( ) are collections of records that are related to each other through pointers In relational database , ( ) can be used in ensuring that values linking the tables together through the primary and foreign keys are valid and correctly synchronized.
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( )存储的核心信息对业务很重要,更具体地说,对应用程序而言,例如订单信息或客户邮件信息。(请作答此空)包含静态值,例如有效代码列表或城市名称。通常,该列表用于验证。数据库是以某种方式彼此相关的信息分组的集合。目前市场上存在许多不同类型的数据库。( )给予那些基于较旧的,有时过时的技术的数据库,这些技术很少用于开发新的应用程序。( )是通过指针彼此相关的记录集合在关系数据库中,( )可用于确保通过主键和外键将表链接在一起的值是有效且正确同步的。 A. 主文件 B. 查找文件 C. 审核文件 D. 历史档案
Designing the data storage architecture is an important activity in system design. There are two main types of data storage formats: files and databases. Files are electronic of data that have been optimized to perform a particular transaction. There are several types of files that differ in the way they are used to support an application. ( ) store core information that is important to the business and , more specifically , to the application , such as order information or customer mailing information. ( ) contain static values , such as a list of valid codes or the names of cities . Typically, the list is used for validation. A database is a collection of groupings of information that are related to each other in some way. There are many different types of databases that exist on the market today. ( ) is given to those databases which are based on older , sometimes outdated technology that is seldom used to develop new applications . (请作答此空) are collections of records that are related to each other through pointers In relational database , ( ) can be used in ensuring that values linking the tables together through the primary and foreign keys are valid and correctly synchronized.
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( )存储的核心信息对业务很重要,更具体地说,对应用程序而言,例如订单信息或客户邮件信息。( )包含静态值,例如有效代码列表或城市名称。通常,该列表用于验证。数据库是以某种方式彼此相关的信息分组的集合。目前市场上存在许多不同类型的数据库。( )给予那些基于较旧的,有时过时的技术的数据库,这些技术很少用于开发新的应用程序。(请作答此空)是通过指针彼此相关的记录集合在关系数据库中,( )可用于确保通过主键和外键将表链接在一起的值是有效且正确同步的。 A. 分层数据库 B. 工作组数据库 C. 链接表数据库 D. 网络数据库
Designing the data storage architecture is an important activity in system design. There are two main types of data storage formats: files and databases. Files are electronic of data that have been optimized to perform a particular transaction. There are several types of files that differ in the way they are used to support an application. (请作答此空) store core information that is important to the business and , more specifically , to the application , such as order information or customer mailing information. ( ) contain static values , such as a list of valid codes or the names of cities . Typically, the list is used for validation. A database is a collection of groupings of information that are related to each other in some way. There are many different types of databases that exist on the market today. ( ) is given to those databases which are based on older , sometimes outdated technology that is seldom used to develop new applications . ( ) are collections of records that are related to each other through pointers In relational database , ( ) can be used in ensuring that values linking the tables together through the primary and foreign keys are valid and correctly synchronized.
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(请作答此空)存储的核心信息对业务很重要,更具体地说,对应用程序而言,例如订单信息或客户邮件信息。( )包含静态值,例如有效代码列表或城市名称。通常,该列表用于验证。数据库是以某种方式彼此相关的信息分组的集合。目前市场上存在许多不同类型的数据库。( )给予那些基于较旧的,有时过时的技术的数据库,这些技术很少用于开发新的应用程序。( )是通过指针彼此相关的记录集合在关系数据库中,( )可用于确保通过主键和外键将表链接在一起的值是有效且正确同步的。 A. 主文件 B. 查找文件 C. 交易文件 D. 历史档案
Designing the data storage architecture is an important activity in system design. There are two main types of data storage formats: files and databases. Files are electronic of data that have been optimized to perform a particular transaction. There are several types of files that differ in the way they are used to support an application. ( ) store core information that is important to the business and , more specifically , to the application , such as order information or customer mailing information. ( ) contain static values , such as a list of valid codes or the names of cities . Typically, the list is used for validation. A database is a collection of groupings of information that are related to each other in some way. There are many different types of databases that exist on the market today. (请作答此空) is given to those databases which are based on older , sometimes outdated technology that is seldom used to develop new applications . ( ) are collections of records that are related to each other through pointers In relational database , ( ) can be used in ensuring that values linking the tables together through the primary and foreign keys are valid and correctly synchronized.
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( )存储的核心信息对业务很重要,更具体地说,对应用程序而言,例如订单信息或客户邮件信息。( )包含静态值,例如有效代码列表或城市名称。通常,该列表用于验证。数据库是以某种方式彼此相关的信息分组的集合。目前市场上存在许多不同类型的数据库。(请作答此空)给予那些基于较旧的,有时过时的技术的数据库,这些技术很少用于开发新的应用程序。( )是通过指针彼此相关的记录集合在关系数据库中,( )可用于确保通过主键和外键将表链接在一起的值是有效且正确同步的。 A. 旧数据库 B. 备份数据库 C. 多维数据库 D. 工作组数据库
体系结构权衡分析方法(Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method,ATAM)包含4个主要的活动领域,分别是场景和需求收集、体系结构视图和场景实现、(请作答此空) 、折中。基于场景的架构分析方法(Scenarios-based Architecture Analysis Method, SAAM)的主要输入是问题描述、需求声明和( )。
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ATAM被分为四个主要的活动领域(或阶段) ,分别是场景和需求收集、体系结构视图和场景实现、属性模型构造和分析、折中。SAAM分析评估体系结构的过程包括五个步骤,即场景开发、体系结构描述、单个场景评估、场景交互和总体评估。SAAM的主要输入问题是问题描述、需求声明和体系结构描述。
体系结构权衡分析方法(Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method,ATAM)包含4个主要的活动领域,分别是场景和需求收集、体系结构视图和场景实现、( ) 、折中。基于场景的架构分析方法(Scenarios-based Architecture Analysis Method, SAAM)的主要输入是问题描述、需求声明和(请作答此空)。
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ATAM被分为四个主要的活动领域(或阶段) ,分别是场景和需求收集、体系结构视图和场景实现、属性模型构造和分析、折中。SAAM分析评估体系结构的过程包括五个步骤,即场景开发、体系结构描述、单个场景评估、场景交互和总体评估。SAAM的主要输入问题是问题描述、需求声明和体系结构描述。
在仓库风格中,有两种不同的构件,其中,(请作答此空)说明当前状态,( )在中央数据存储上执行。
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在仓库风格中,有两种不同的构件,其中,( )说明当前状态,(请作答此空)在中央数据存储上执行。
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设计模式描述了一个出现在特定设计语境中的设计再现问题,并为它的解决方案提供了一个经过充分验证的通用方案,不同的设计模式关注解决不同的问题。例如,抽象工厂模式提供一个接口,可以创建一系列相关或相互依赖的对象, 而无需指定它们具体的类,它是一种( )模式;( )模式将类的抽象部分和它的实现部分分离出来,使它们可以独立变化,它属于( )模式;(请作答此空)模式将一个请求封装为一个对象,从而可用不同的请求对客户进行参数化,将请求排队或记录请求日志,支持可撤销的操作。
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