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- 发布时间:2021-12-14 07:45
- 卷面总分:75分
- 答题时间:240分钟
- 试卷题量:75题
- 练习次数:126次
- 试卷分类:高级系统架构设计师
- 试卷类型:历年真题
The architecture design specifies the overall architecture and the placement of software and hardware that will be used. Architecture design is a very complex process that is often left to experienced architecture designers and consultants. The first step is to refine the () into more detailed requirements that are then employed to help select the architecture to be used and the software components to be placed on each device. In a (), one also has to decide whether to use a two-tier, three-tier, or n-tier architecture. Then the requirements and the architecturedesign are used to develop the hardware and software specification. There are four primary types of nonfunctional requirements that can be important in designing the architecture. (请作答此空 ) specify the operating environment(s) in which the system must perform and how those may change over time. () focus on the nonfunctional requirements issues such as response time, capacity, and reliability. () are the abilities to protect the information system from disruption and data loss, whether caused by an intentional act. Cultural and political requirements are specific to the countries in which the system will be used.
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The architecture design specifies the overall architecture and the placement of software and hardware that will be used. Architecture design is a very complex process that is often left to experienced architecture designers and consultants. The first step is to refine the ( 请作答此空) into more detailed requirements that are then employed to help select the architecture to be used and the software components to be placed on each device. In a (), one also has to decide whether to use a two-tier, three-tier, or n-tier architecture. Then the requirements and the architecturedesign are used to develop the hardware and software specification. There are four primary types of nonfunctional requirements that can be important in designing the architecture. () specify the operating environment(s) in which the system must perform and how those may change over time. () focus on the nonfunctional requirements issues such as response time, capacity, and reliability. () are the abilities to protect the information system from disruption and data loss, whether caused by an intentional act. Cultural and political requirements are specific to the countries in which the system will be used.
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The architecture design specifies the overall architecture and the placement of software and hardware that will be used. Architecture design is a very complex process that is often left to experienced architecture designers and consultants. The first step is to refine the () into more detailed requirements that are then employed to help select the architecture to be used and the software components to be placed on each device. In a ( ), one also has to decide whether to use a two-tier, three-tier, or n-tier architecture. Then the requirements and the architecturedesign are used to develop the hardware and software specification. There are four primary types of nonfunctional requirements that can be important in designing the architecture. () specify the operating environment(s) in which the system must perform and how those may change over time. () focus on the nonfunctional requirements issues such as response time, capacity, and reliability. () are the abilities to protect the information system from disruption and data loss, whether caused by an intentional act. Cultural and political requirements are specific to the countries in which the system will be used.
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The architecture design specifies the overall architecture and the placement of software and hardware that will be used. Architecture design is a very complex process that is often left to experienced architecture designers and consultants. The first step is to refine the () into more detailed requirements that are then employed to help select the architecture to be used and the software components to be placed on each device. In a (), one also has to decide whether to use a two-tier, three-tier, or n-tier architecture. Then the requirements and the architecturedesign are used to develop the hardware and software specification. There are four primary types of nonfunctional requirements that can be important in designing the architecture. () specify the operating environment(s) in which the system must perform and how those may change over time. ( 请作答此空) focus on the nonfunctional requirements issues such as response time, capacity, and reliability. () are the abilities to protect the information system from disruption and data loss, whether caused by an intentional act. Cultural and political requirements are specific to the countries in which the system will be used.
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The architecture design specifies the overall architecture and the placement of software and hardware that will be used. Architecture design is a very complex process that is often left to experienced architecture designers and consultants. The first step is to refine the () into more detailed requirements that are then employed to help select the architecture to be used and the software components to be placed on each device. In a (), one also has to decide whether to use a two-tier, three-tier, or n-tier architecture. Then the requirements and the architecturedesign are used to develop the hardware and software specification. There are four primary types of nonfunctional requirements that can be important in designing the architecture. () specify the operating environment(s) in which the system must perform and how those may change over time. () focus on the nonfunctional requirements issues such as response time, capacity, and reliability. (请作答此空 ) are the abilities to protect the information system from disruption and data loss, whether caused by an intentional act. Cultural and political requirements are specific to the countries in which the system will be used.
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按照设计模式的目的进行划分,现有的设计模式可以分为三类。其中创建型模式通过采用抽象类所定义的接口,封装了系统中对象如何创建、组合等信息,其代表有( )模式等;( )模式主要用于如何组合己有的类和对象以获得更大的结构,其代表有 Adapter 模式等;( )模式主要用于对象之间的职责及其提供服务的分配方式,其代表有( 请作答此空)模式等。
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按照设计模式的目的进行划分,现有的设计模式可以分为三类。创建型模式通过采用抽象类所定义的接口,封装了系统中对象如何创建、组合等信息,其代表有Singleton模式等;结构型模式主要用于如何组合己有的类和对象以获得更大的结构,其代表有 Adapter 模式等;行为型模式主要用于对象之间的职责及其提供服务的分配方式,其代表有Visitor模式等。
按照设计模式的目的进行划分,现有的设计模式可以分为三类。其中创建型模式通过采用抽象类所定义的接口,封装了系统中对象如何创建、组合等信息,其代表有(请作答此空 )模式等;( )模式主要用于如何组合己有的类和对象以获得更大的结构,其代表有 Adapter 模式等;( )模式主要用于对象之间的职责及其提供服务的分配方式,其代表有( )模式等。
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按照设计模式的目的进行划分,现有的设计模式可以分为三类。创建型模式通过采用抽象类所定义的接口,封装了系统中对象如何创建、组合等信息,其代表有Singleton模式等;结构型模式主要用于如何组合己有的类和对象以获得更大的结构,其代表有 Adapter 模式等;行为型模式主要用于对象之间的职责及其提供服务的分配方式,其代表有Visitor模式等。
按照设计模式的目的进行划分,现有的设计模式可以分为三类。其中创建型模式通过采用抽象类所定义的接口,封装了系统中对象如何创建、组合等信息,其代表有( )模式等;( )模式主要用于如何组合己有的类和对象以获得更大的结构,其代表有 Adapter 模式等;(请作答此空 )模式主要用于对象之间的职责及其提供服务的分配方式,其代表有( )模式等。
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按照设计模式的目的进行划分,现有的设计模式可以分为三类。创建型模式通过采用抽象类所定义的接口,封装了系统中对象如何创建、组合等信息,其代表有Singleton模式等;结构型模式主要用于如何组合己有的类和对象以获得更大的结构,其代表有 Adapter 模式等;行为型模式主要用于对象之间的职责及其提供服务的分配方式,其代表有Visitor模式等。
按照设计模式的目的进行划分,现有的设计模式可以分为三类。其中创建型模式通过采用抽象类所定义的接口,封装了系统中对象如何创建、组合等信息,其代表有( )模式等;( 请作答此空)模式主要用于如何组合己有的类和对象以获得更大的结构,其代表有 Adapter 模式等;( )模式主要用于对象之间的职责及其提供服务的分配方式,其代表有( )模式等。
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按照设计模式的目的进行划分,现有的设计模式可以分为三类。创建型模式通过采用抽象类所定义的接口,封装了系统中对象如何创建、组合等信息,其代表有Singleton模式等;结构型模式主要用于如何组合己有的类和对象以获得更大的结构,其代表有 Adapter 模式等;行为型模式主要用于对象之间的职责及其提供服务的分配方式,其代表有Visitor模式等。
对计算机评价的主要性能指标有时钟频率、( 请作答此空)、运算精度和内存容量等。对数据库管理系统评价的主要性能指标有()、数据库所允许的索引数量和最大并发实物处理能力等。
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性能指标,是软、硬件的性能指标的集成。在硬件中,包括计算机、各种通信交换设备、各类网络设备等;在软件中,包括:操作系统、协议以及应用程序等。对计算机评价的主要性能指标有:时钟频率(主频);运算速度;运算精度;内存的存储容量;存储器的存取周期;数据处理速率PDR(processing data rate);吞吐率;各种响应时间;各种利用率;RASIS特性(即:可靠性Reliability、可用性Availability、可维护性、完整性和安全性;平均故障响应时间;兼容性;可扩充性;性能价格比。衡量数据库管理系统的主要性能指标包括数据库本身和管理系统两部分,有:数据库的大小、数据库中表的数量、单个表的大小、表中允许的记录(行)数量、单个记录(行)的大小、表上所允许的索引数量、数据库所允许的索引数量、最大并发事务处理能力、负载均衡能力、最大连接数等等。
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